Why I choose Web Development?

Abhisek Gupta
4 min readMay 21, 2021
why web development?

Hey, so if you are really eager to know why I choose web development as my career path, then you should first get to know me.

I’m a guy belonging to Uttar Pradesh but spent my entire life in Manipur. Fast forward to my college days, I graduated from Lovely Professional University , did BCA, got campus placed in one of the FAANG companies.

No...No...No…Wait a minute, let me elaborate, I got place in my dream company but not as an SDE, not as a developer but in a role that has nothing to do with what I learned in my 3 years of graduation and at a package equivalent to that of service based companies.

Few weeks into my first job, I made a decision “this is not something I wish to do” and that is when the main question arise “What do I really want to do?”, a question which most of us are seeking an answer to.

I couldn’t go for Masters due to financial crunch, and if you paid attention, my roots are from UP, a place where “government jobs wale” are respected as hell. So my family started insisting on prepare for some government job alongside your current job.

For the next 1 year I prepared for Bank PO exams and failed miserably plus after a year I retained nothing, so this is when I decided, “this is not something I wish to do” the primary question returns “What do I really want to do?”.

As of now I was tired and had been working on a full time job that I dislike, with no Goals in life. But one random night at 3 am I realized that I was watching a 2hr long video and It wasn’t some movie or a web series but was a dark screen on which a guy was coding a website page. I found that really interesting how at 3 am I was not a bit bored and was invested in a tutorial. I recalled my days in college when I was all inclined towards web development but AI was the hot topic for specialization, and under FOMO I went for AI.

The next morning I did my bit of research and made up my mind, sold my banking books, test subscriptions and courses.

Ok I know here It might seem that everything went alright and am a developer today but that’s the opposite of truth. what actually happened was, I started looking for a roadmap, bought a course, followed tutorial , found no progress and then jump to another roadmap, course or tutorial. I was stuck in this “TUTORIAL HELL” for the next 6 -7 months. I started questioning my decision yet again, but this time I was lucky.

I was lucky to find neogcamp’s Instagram page on my feed, followed it but had no idea what it was, who Tanay Pratap(google him) was.

Thanks to Tanay Bhaiya, today I am confident that my decision to be a developer is right. I’m fairly new on my journey and has just started but already built some awesome project under neog.camp LevelZero lessons,
do checkout my first portfolio: My Portfolio

Ok I know you might be thinking all I have talked about is HOW and not the WHY part, so finally lets address that too.

Reasons why someone should opt becoming a web developer over anything else are:

  1. There are jobs in the market: I know AI/ML are the hot topic today and many people are crazy after it but lets be honest, are there ML jobs in the market today, open LinkedIn or any other tool and check for yourself how many openings exist for ML jobs vs developer jobs.
  2. Great source of Income: Well Money should not be a priority during the initial stage of our career but let not neglect the fact that with good skillset and experience we can live the life that we dream of.
  3. Work from anywhere: This might be subjective to the companies and their policies but after the pandemic, it has been observed that WFH has been normalized across the globe and many companies have decided on making WFH a permanent thing.
  4. Freelancing: Lets be honest, not everyone is made to be an employee and work under those fixed 9–5 rules, this is where you can be your own boss, work as your will, choose your clients, deal with them.
  5. Working in an awesome Tech Company: Again if you aren’t someone like the above type 4, there are always these awesome tech companies, mostly those product based startups and established product based companies looking for talents like us.
  6. It is Creative and Fun: Another major reason why someone would opt for development is because here they get to use their creative thinking, their designing skill, problem solving skill. As a developer, you create stuff, stuff that someday might change the life of people across the globe.

So if you read till here, thanks a lot and I understand it was pretty long but this is my first blog and I took the liberty of explaining things the right way. Upcoming blogs would probably be a documentation of my journey ahead and some development related blogs.

I would really appreciate your feedback on how I could improve. THANK YOU.



Abhisek Gupta

I’m an aspiring Web developer, dreaming to make it big in the Tech industry. I’m fairly new to writing for the public and I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts